Automated Payroll System !

Anywhere, Anydevice can access

Easy to generate payslips

Mobile Notify & auto Email Options

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Our Valuable Clients

We are trusted by small to mid-sized organizations, Fortune 200 companies, and major brands.

Why Adaptive Pay?

Employee Self Service

Employee can login via app or web they can view the payslips, view or apply leave and view their profile.

On Cloud

Payroll hosted in Azure Cloud. You can access from any where any devices.


Email and notification enabled. When request leave or pay generated system notify the employee.

Auto Submission

Adaptive Pay generates the CPF File , IRAS File and AIS enabled.

Online Automated Payroll

Adaptive Pay is a Feature Rich Payroll for Singapore. Pay your employees quickly and easily.

Why GoSofto

Fully integrated and unified workflow makes your payroll processing enjoyable.

This Software fully based on cloud. Easy access from anywhere and any devices.

Pay app for employees to access their Payslip, Leave and Claim on the go.

E-Submission for CPF, Auto Inclusion Scheme(AIS) for IRAS and Bank Files.

Adaptive Pay Features

Let your Payroll focus on what matters the most!

Unique feature rather than others

Easy to use and simple. Two mobile app available for superior person and employee.

Face Recognition, QR Code and Barcode Scanning for attendance entry.

Notification via mobile, auto email workflow and Multi level approval process.



Efficient Attendance Tracking

Project attendance tracking, man power tracking and efficient attendance entry.

Face recognition introduce to capture the attendance with employee present at the site.

Auto OT and Wages calculation based on the OT Templates.

Mobile app for supervisor can easily update attendance and their tasks.

eLeave and eClaim

Employee can apply and view their leave and claim from the mobile app itself.

Email workflow and Mobile notification enabled.

Leave and claim policy based apply and approval.

Multi-level approval process when request the leave or claim process.


One-Click Pay generation

Easy one click pay generate for all employees.

Payslip can view from mobile app or send through email.

MOM approved Itemized payslip format.

Adaptive Pay Products

Let your Payroll focus on what matters the most!


Say goodbye to the old and tiresome process of leave approvals over phone or emails.


Manage and track employee leaves with our leave management system with simple & easy-to-use interface.


Creation of different reimbursement heads. A employee can submit a Reimbursement claim by a click.


Another quintessential feature is that it generates payslips and important reports on the go.


Stay organized by having all your employee data at your fingertips. You can easily access the required data.

Client's Feedback

Streamlining different processes and workflows by using user access control Onebook prompts efficiency and productivity levels of an organization.

Our Pricing

We have different type of pricing table to choose with your need with reasonable price. Any one you can choose that you need. Continually network virtual strategic theme areas vis-a-vis ubiquitous potentialities. Holisticly negotiate focused e-tailers without premium solutions.

20% OFF


  • Employee Management
  • Earnings & Deduction
  • Payslip Generation

* Get 3 Months free when signup 12 Months Package

* Minimum 5 employees

$5 emp / Month
Get Started


  • Include Basic
  • ELeave&EClaim
  • Mobile App enabled

* Get 3 Months free when signup 12 Months Package

* Minimum 15 employees

$6 emp / Month
Get Started


  • Include Standard
  • Attendance management
  • Project tracking

* Get 3 Months free when signup 12 Months Package

* Minimum 25 employees

$7 emp / Month
Get Started

Any Queries? Don’t Hesitate? Feel Free to Make a Call
+65 6708 9398