• Company

  • How to set working hours for the company?

    (1)  Go to company menu and click icon to edit company.

    (2)  Here you can see the field Working Hours.

    (3)  After giving all the essential details, click on SAVE button to save the details.

  • How to upload company LOGO?

    (1)  Go to company menu and click icon to edit company.

    (2)  Here you can see the field called Logo.

    (3)  Choose the .png image which you want to fix as your Company Logo and click on SAVE to save the details.

  • User Management

  • How to create a new user?

    (1)   Go to Admin menu → User.

    (2)   You can see the Index page, click on CREATE NEW button to create a user.

    (3)   After giving all the essential details, click on SAVE button.

    (4)   While creating a user, user group field should be selected based upon the priority of the user to have the groups menu.

    NOTE: The users those who are admin in groups can view all the admin as well as the non-admin users. While non-admin users are unable to view the admin users.

  • How to create groups and assign permissions?

    (1)   Go to Admin menu → Group.

    (2)   You can see the index page, click on CREATE NEW button to create a new group.

    (3)   After creating a group, an admin user makes the essential screens available in groups for the newly created user.

    NOTE: Group is used for Roles-Screen Mapping. In group, admin and non-admin users are available. The users those who are Admin can create/make some others as Admin and can view all users and groups of admin as well as non-admin users. Meanwhile, non-admin users can just use the roles applied to them and they can view the users and groups related to the non-admin users.

  • How to create username and password for employee to login payroll?

    (1)   Go to Employee menu and click on icon in Index page.

    (2)   By clicking on USER icon, it migrates to create page of User along with the mail Id specified for the employee.

    (3)   There you can create individual login for an employee and click on SAVE button.

  • How to change password for account?

    (1)   Go to Admin menu → User.

    (2)   You can see the Index page, click on icon to change password for the account.

    (3)   Here, you can see the “IsChangePassword” checkbox and you need to enable it, thereby allowing you to change your password in the specified field and click on SAVE button.

  • Managing Employee Profiles

  • How to create a new employee profile?

    (1)   Go to Employee menu and click on CREATE NEW button to create a new Employee Profile.

    (2)   Here you can see the several tabs which needs to be filled up to fill all the essential as well as necessary details.

    (3)   After filling all the fields, click on SAVE button to save the employee details.

    (4)   Now, the new employee profile creation is done. The created profile can be viewed in Index page.

  • How to edit an existing employee profile?

    (1)   Go to Employee menu and Click on icon in the Options column to view and edit an existing Employee Profile.

    (2)   Here, you can find Work Details Tab. Click on EDIT HERE button to make the fields editable.

    (3)   Edit the details if needed and click on SAVE button to save the updated Employee Profile.

  • How to delete an employee profile?

    (1)  Go to Employee menu and click on icon in the Options column to view and edit an existing Employee Profile.

    (2)  Here, you can find Work Details Tab. Click on EDIT HERE button to make the fields editable.

    (3)  You can see the field “IsActive”. Uncheck this field to make the employee Inactive and click SAVE button to save the updated Employee Profile.

    (4)  Now, you can check whether the Employee is active or not in Index page by using filtering the status of the Employee List as “InActive”.

  • How to view an employee profile?

    (1)   Go to Employee menu and click on icon in the Options column to view an existing Employee details.

    (2)   Here, you can see several tabs where the employee details are stored.

    (3)   You can see the corresponding details of the Employee by viewing all the tabs.

  • How to allocate a new leave type to an existing employee?

    (1)   Go to Employee menu and Click on icon in the Options column to view an existing Employee details.

    (2)   Here, you can see several tabs, move on to the Leave tab and click on EDIT HEREbutton to make the field editable.

    (3)   Thereby, you can see the field (dropdown) Leave Type, choose the Leave Type and other required fields and click on ADD button.

    (4)   After assigning all the required leave types for the employee, click on SAVE button to save the updated employee.

  • Attendance

  • How to enter attendance for daily wages?

    (1)    Go to Transaction menu → Employee Attendance →Daily Attendance.

    (2)    Click on CREATE NEW button to update the attendance for the employee.

    (3)    Choose the Employee by name or code and enter from date & to date to generate daily attendance for the employee you have chosen.

    (4)    Click on SAVE button to generate the daily attendance for the employee.

  • How to enter monthly attendance when the pay basis is monthly?

    (1)    Go to Transaction menu →Employee Attendance →Monthly Attendance.

    (2)    Click on CREATE NEW button to update the attendance for the employee.

    (3)    Choose the Employee by name or code and enter from date & to date to generate monthly attendance for the employee you have chosen.

    (4)    Click on SAVE button to generate the monthly attendance for the employee.

  • Leave Management

  • How to approve/reject a leave application?

    Type 1

    (1)   Go to Transaction menu →Leave Management.

    (2)   In Index page, you can either choose single Employee or multiple employee to approve the leave for the employees who requested for leave.

    (3)   Choose the employees and Click on APPROVE button to grant the leave.

    Type 2 (Based on Designation)

    (1)   Go to Transaction menu →Leave Management.

    (2)   Click on icon, corresponding leave detail for the employee will appear.

    (3)   You can see the field Leave Request Status, change the status from Requested to Approved to approve the leave and change the status from Requested to Rejected to reject the leave.

    (4)   Click on SAVE button to update the status.

  • How to view the balance leave for an employee?

    (1)  Go to Transaction menu →Leave Management and click on CREATE NEW button to request leave.

    (2)  Choose the Employee name, simultaneously you will get the Leave Summary Details for the employee.

    (3)  In that, you can see a column called Balance Leave which refers to the unused leave of an Employee.

  • Is it possible to carry forward the balance leave as a paid leave for the next year?

    The balance leave at the end of the year cannot be added directly. It can be stored as Paid leave which may be taken in the next year by using the below steps:

    (1)    Go to Transactions menu → Leave Management → Paid Leave tab.

    (2)    In index page, click on CREATE NEW button to apply for a paid leave.

    (3)    You can choose a single employee or can select multiple employees by enabling “Multiple Employees” checkbox.

    (4)    Thereby, you can apply for paid leave (which means you can use your balance leave like this).

    NOTE: You can apply at most one leave at a time and while applying some other leave, you can view the leave history.

  • How to set the reporting officer hierarchy at multiple levels to refer and approve leave?

    (1)   Go to Application Settings menu → System Settings.

    (2)   Search for the paramcode “IsMultipleLevelLeave” and make it active.

    (3)   During the employee creation, under the tab,“work details”, REPORT TO and REPORT TO1 refer to the reporting officers’ hierarchy at multiple levels authorizing to refer and approve the leave for the employee respectively.

  • How to set leave policies?

    (1)  Go to Master table menu → Leave Planner and click on CREATE NEW button to set the leave policies.

    (2)  Choose Leave model, leave model type and No. of employees allowed per day.

    (3)  After setting the leave policies, click on SAVE button to set the leave policies.

  • Loan

  • How to create a loan entry for an employee?

    (1)    Go to Transaction menu → Loan Management.

    (2)    You can see the Index page, click on CREATE NEW button and create a Loan by selecting the desired employee.

    (3)    After giving all the essential details, click on Create/Save&New buttons based on your requirement.

    (4)    In Edit page, you can view the history of loan entries and can also add some other loan for the same employee.

  • Earnings and Deductions

  • How to add a monthly allowance type for an employee before pay generation for a month?

    (1)   Go to Transaction menu → Earnings & Deductions

    (2)   You can see the Index page, click on CREATE NEW button to add a monthly allowance type.

    (3)   In create page, you can select an employee and single/multiple earnings types (Allowance Type) for the selected employee.

  • How to add a monthly deduction type for an employee before pay generation for a month?

    (1)   You must check whether the deduction type is created in Earnings Type form or not.

    (2)   Before pay generation, you must verify if the deduction type is assigned for the employee or not.

    (3)   If deduction type not assigned to the employee follow the below steps:

    (i)   Go to Transactions menu → Earnings & Deductions.

    (ii)   You can see the Index page, click on CREATE NEW button to add a monthly deduction type.

    (iii)   In create page, you can select an employee and single/multiple deduction types for the selected employee.

  • Claim

  • How to apply for a claim?

    (1)    Go to Home Screen → e-Claim and there, you can see the index page of e-Claim.

    (2)    In index page, click on CREATE NEW button to create a claim.

    (3)    While creating a claim, choose the desired claim to apply.

    (4)    After entering all the required details including the desired claim type, click on SAVE button to apply a claim.

  • How to approve or request a claim?

    (1)    Go to Transaction menu → Claim Management.

    (2)    You can see the Index page, click on CREATE NEW button to create a Claim.

    (3)    While creating a requesting a claim, your claim request status should be “REQUESTED”.

    (4)    After giving all the essential details, click on SAVE button to get the claim details saved.

    (5)    After creating a Claim, click on icon to edit the claim and thereby you can approve the claim by changing the claim request status as “APPROVED”.

  • How to view the status of the claim applied for?

    (1)    Go to Transaction menu → Claim Management.

    (2)    You can see the Index page, click on icon and there, you can view the status of the applied claim.

    (3)    You can also view the status of the claim applied in the index page itself.

  • How to cancel a claim applied?

    (1)    Go to Transaction menu → Claim Management.

    (2)    You can see the index page, click on icon to cancel the claim applied.

    (3)    You can change the Claim Request Status as “Cancelled” to cancel the applied claim and click SAVE.

  • Pay

  • How to generate pay (process payment for a whole month)?

    (1)   Before generating a payslip, first you should check the pay basis in Earnings tab of the Employee.

    (2)   If pay basis is “Monthly”, you can generate payslip for that Employee.

    (3)   If pay basis is “Daily”, you need to create the daily attendance for that employee before generating a payslip.

    (4)   After checking the above steps, Go to Transactions menu → Pay Generation.

    (5)   There, you can select single employee in the header or multiple employees from the table for all those for whom the pay slips need to be generated.

  • How to edit an existing payment?

    (1)   Go to Transactions menu → Pay Generation.

    (2)   You can see the Index page, click on icon to edit the pay generated entries of an employee.

    (3)   After modifying the details, click Save/Print/Regenerate CPF as per your requirement.

  • How to do salary increment?

    (1)   Go to Employee menu.

    (2)   You can see the Index page, click on icon to edit and view the employee details.

    (3)   In details page, click on EDIT HERE button to make the field editable.

    (4)   Here, click on “Earnings” tab and you can add the Salary Increment in Employee Allowances and click on SAVE button.


  • How to view an employee information list?

    (1)   Go to Reports menu → Employee Reports → Employee Information List.

    (2)   Here, you can either choose single Employee or multiple employee with their corresponding department/employee type/the state of being (active/inactive).

    (3)   After choosing the essential details, click on VIEW REPORT button to view the report by grouping them according to their Department.

    (4)   If you need to export excel for the Employee Information List report, then click on EXPORT EXCEL button.

  • How to view an employee's details?

    (1)   Go to Reports menu → Employee Reports → Employee Details.

    (2)   Here, you can either choose single Employee or multiple employee with their corresponding department/employee type/the state of being (active/inactive).

    (3)   After choosing the essential details, click on VIEW REPORT button to view the Employee Details report.

    (4)   If you need to export excel for the Employee Details report, then click on EXPORT EXCEL button.

  • How to view an employee’s emergency contact number?

    (1)   Go to Reports menu → Employee Reports → Employee Contact.

    (2)   You can see the Index page, you can either choose single Employee or multiple employee with their corresponding department/employee type/ /the state of being (active/inactive).

    (3)   After choosing the essential details, click on VIEW REPORT button to view the Employee Contact report.

    (4)   If you need to export excel for the Employee Contact report, then click on EXPORT EXCEL button.

  • How to view an employee’s address?

    (1)   Go to Reports menu → Employee Reports → Employee Address.

    (2)   You can see the Index page, you can either choose single Employee or multiple employee with their corresponding department//the state of being (active/inactive).

    (3)   After choosing the essential details, click on VIEW REPORT button to view the Employee Address report.

    (4)   If you need to export excel for the Employee Address report, then click on EXPORT EXCEL button.

  • How to view an employee’s pass expiry info?

    (1)   Go to Reports menu → Employee Reports → Expiry Info.

    (2)   You can see the Index page, you can either choose single Employee or multiple employee with their corresponding department/employee type/the state of being (active/inactive).

    (3)   After choosing the essential details, click on VIEW REPORT button to view the Expiry Info report.

    (4)   If you need to export excel for the Expiry Info report, then click on EXPORT EXCEL button.

  • Leave Related Reports

  • How to view the monthly leave summary report for employees for a year?

    (1)   Go to Leave Reports menu → Leave reports → Leave Summary.

    (2)   Here, you can either choose single Employee or multiple employees with their corresponding department/year and you can view the report.

    (3)   After choosing the essential details, click on VIEW REPORT button to view the Leave Summary report.

    (4)   If you need to export the leave summary, then click on EXPORT EXCEL button to export excel the Leave Summary report.

  • How to view a payslip?

    (1)   Go to Reports menu → Salary reports → Payslip All Format.

    (2)   Here, you must select the employee with the desired month, year, pay period of that employee and the format in which the payslip is needed.

    (3)   After choosing the essential details, click on VIEW REPORT button to view the Payslip All Format report.

    (4)   If you need to have pdf for the payslip, then click on PDF button to export pdf for the payslip.

  • Payroll Masters

  • How to create employee types?

    (1)   Go to Master Table menu → Employee Types sub-menu.

    (2)   You can see the index page, click on CREATE NEW button to create a new employee type.

    (3)   After entering all the essential details, click Save&Close/Save/Save&New based on your requirement.

    (4)   Further, you can modify the created employee type by clicking on icon in index page to update the details.

  • How to create earnings types?

    (1)   Go to Master Table menu → Earnings Type sub-menu.

    (2)   You can see the index page, click on CREATE NEW button to create a new earnings type.

    (3)   After entering all the essential details, click Save&Close/Save/Save&New based on your requirement.

    (4)   Further, you can modify the created earnings type by clicking on icon in index page to update the details.

    NOTE: While creating an earnings type (for earnings), you must enable the “Is Addition” checkbox, only then it will be considered as Earnings for the employee in some other processes. Also need to enable the “IsEmployeeEntitlement”, if it is required to be displayed while entering employee details.

  • How to create deductions?

    (1)   Go to Master Table menu → Earnings Type sub-menu.

    (2)   You can see the index page, click on CREATE NEW button to create a new deduction type.

    (3)   After entering all the essential details, click Save&Close/Save/Save&New based on your requirement.

    (4)   Further, you can modify the created deduction type by clicking on icon in index page to update the details.

    NOTE: While creating an earnings type (for deductions), you must disable the “Is Addition” checkbox, only then it will be considered as Deduction for the employee in their other processes. Also need to enable the “IsEmployeeEntitlement”, if it is required to be displayed while entering employee details.

  • How to create locations?

    (1)  Go to Master Table menu → Locations sub-menu.

    (2)  You can see the index page, click on CREATE NEW button to create a new location.

    (3)  After entering all the essential details, click Save&Close/Save/Save&New based on your requirement.

    (4)  Further, you can modify the created locations by clicking on icon in index page to update the details.

  • How to create departments?

    (1)   Go to Master Table menu → Departments sub-menu.

    (2)   You can see the index page, click on CREATE NEW button to create a new department.

    (3)   After entering all the essential details, click Save&Close/Save/Save&New based on your requirement.

    (4)   Further, you can modify the created departments by clicking on icon in index page to update the details.

  • How to create loan type?

    (1)   Go to Master Table menu → Loan Types sub-menu.

    (2)   You can see the index page, click on CREATE NEW button to create a new loan type.

    (3)   After entering all the essential details, click Save&Close/Save/Save&New based on your requirement.

    (4)   Further, you can modify the created loan type by clicking on icon in index page to update the details.

  • How to create claim type?

    (1)  Go to Master Table menu → Claims Types sub-menu.

    (2)  You can see the index page, click on CREATE NEW button to create a new claim type.

    (3)  After entering all the essential details, click Save&Close/Save/Save&New based on your requirement.

    (4)  Further, you can modify the created claim type by clicking on icon in index age to update the details.

  • OT Related

  • How to set the OT template for an employee?

    (1)   Go to Master Table menu → OT Types.

    (2)   You can see the Index page, click on CREATE NEW button and you can create an OT type.

    (3)   After creating an OT type, you can create the OT template using the edit option for the newly created OT type based on the Organization’s working and over-time periods.

  • How to set OT rate per hour for the employee?

    (1)   Go to Employee menu and click on icon in the Options column to view and edit an employee details.

    (2)   In details page, click on EDIT HERE button and here, you can find several tabs.

    (3)  Click “Earnings” tab, here by enabling the OT Allowed checkbox, you can set the OT rate per hour for the employee in the OT1 T/Hr box and click on SAVE button.

  • CPF Related

  • How to set CPF deductions?

    (1)   Go to Employee menu and click on icon in the Options column to view and edit an employee’s details.

    (2)   In details page, click on EDIT HERE button and here, you can find several tabs.

    (3)   Click the “Earnings” tab, here by enabling the CPF Allowed checkbox, you can set the CPF with the desired fund types for the employee and click on SAVE button.

  • Pay App (Employee Related)

  • Can an employee see his payslip? If yes, when and how?

    (1)   Yes, an employee can see his payslip only if the payslip has been generated for that employee.

    (2)   Go to Home Screen → Payslip icon and there, you can filter your required month and year to view the payslip.

    (3)   After viewing the payslip by filtering, click on DOWNLOAD icon which is on the top right to have a PDF file for the payslip.

    NOTE: Employee can download his payslip only if the system settings “AppPayslipDownload” is enabled.

  • How to view the employee details?

    (1)   By clicking on the User icon in Index page, the Employee details will be shown with Basic Info & Other Info tabs.

    (2)   In Basic Info tab, you can view the basic details about the Employee whereas in Other Info tab, rest of the details can be viewed.

  • Can an employee change his personal particulars using the app?

      No, an employee does not have the access rights to change his personal particulars except the profile picture using the app.

  • How to set/change the profile picture of the employee?

    (1)   Go to Home Screen → User icon and there, the Employee details will be shown where you can change the profile picture.

    (2)   You change the profile picture or capture picture via camera or also remove already uploaded profile picture.

  • How to change the password?

    (1)   By clicking on the icon in Index page, the employee details will be shown where CHANGE PASSWORD button appears on the bottom right.

    (2)   By clicking on Change Password button, it moves on to a corresponding page where you need to give the details regarding old password, new password and confirm password. After giving all these details, save your changes using the PROCEED button.

  • How to view notifications?

       Go to Home Screen → Notifications menu, you can view all the notifications related to Events, Leave and Claims for an employee who has been logged in the app.

  • How to view attendance details?

    (1)   Go to Home Screen → Attendance Details menu and there, select the required month and year to view the attendance details.

    (2)   Once you have filtered as per the requirement, the attendance details will be shown with date, clock-in and clock-out details of that employee.

  • Pay App (Leave Related)

  • How to know what are the allocated leave types for the employees?

    Employees cannot view the allocated leave types separately. This can be possible only if an employee needs to create a leave request by using the following steps:

    (1)   Go to Home Screen → e-Leave and there, you can see the index page of e-Leave.

    (2)   In index page, click on CREATE NEW button to create a leave request.

    (3)   While selecting unallocated leave type, alert will appear to inform you regarding unallocated leave type. Only by this, an employee can know about their allocated leave types.

    (4)   Thereby, after entering all the required details including the desired leave type, click on SAVE button to request a leave.

  • How to apply for medical/annual/child care leave?

    (1)    Go to Home Screen → e-Leave and there, you can see the index page of e-Leave.

    (2)    In index page, click on CREATE NEW button to create a leave request.

    (3)    While creating a leave request, choose the desired leave type (medical/ annual/ child care leave) to apply for the leave.

    (4)   After entering all the required details, click on SAVE button to request a leave.

    NOTE: You can apply at most one leave at a time and while applying for some other leave, you can view the leave logs for further leave requests.

  • How to view the status of the leave applied?

    (1)   Go to Home Screen → e-Leave and there, you can see the index page of e-Leave.

    (2)   In index page itself, you can see the status of the leave applied.

    (3)   On the other way, click on the required employee in index page which migrates you to the edit page.

    (4)   There, you can view the status of the leave applied in Leave Logs.

  • How to cancel an already applied leave?

    (1)   Go to Home Screen → e-Leave and there, you can see the index page of e-Leave.

    (2)   In index page, click on the required employee to whom you need to cancel the leave request.

    (3)   Thereby, you can migrate onto the edit page where you can cancel the requested leave by clicking on DELETE button.

  • How to apply for half day leave?

    (1)   Go to Home Screen → e-Leave and there, you can see the index page of e-Leave.

    (2)   In index page, click on CREATE NEW button to create a leave request.

    (3)   For applying a half day leave, after entering all fields you need to enable the “Is Half Day” checkbox.

    (4)   Thereby, you can see the meridiem field to change the desired session(AM/PM) and click on SAVE button to apply for half day leave.

  • How to apply for paid leave for an employee?

    * Not available in employee app,since this is an admin option

    (1)   Go to Transactions menu → Leave Management → Paid Leave tab.

    (2)   In index page, click on CREATE NEW button to apply for a paid leave.

    (3)   You can choose a single employee or can select multiple employees by enabling “Multiple Employees” checkbox.

    (4)   Thereby, you can apply for paid leave.

    NOTE: You can apply at most one leave at a time and while applying some other leave, you can view the leave history.

  • Pay Admin App

  • How to approve/reject a leave for an employee?

    Approving and rejecting the leave can be done in two ways:

    METHOD 1:

    (1)   Go to Dashboard Screen.

    (2)   You can see the Tribar button at the left corner of your screen.

    (3)   Clicking on the Tribar button shows you the Leave Widgets along with Employees and Claim Widgets.

    (4)   Head on to Leave Widget, you can see the list of Employees who requested for leave.

    (5)   Clicking on the Employee name, shows the leave details with Approve and Reject button. You can Approve/Reject the leave by clicking on them.

    METHOD 2:

    (1)   Go to Dashboard Screen.

    (2)   You can see the widget “NEW LEAVE REQUEST”.

    (3)   Clicking on the “NEW LEAVE REQUEST” takes you to the Leave management screen.

    (4)   There you can see the list of employees who requested for leave

    (5)   You can approve/reject the leave by clicking on the employee.

  • How to approve/reject a leave for a claim?

    Approving and rejecting the claim can be done in two ways:

    METHOD 1:

    (1)   Go to Dashboard Screen.

    (2)   You can see the Tribar button at the left corner of your screen.

    (3)   Clicking on the Tribar button shows you the Claim Widgets along with Employees and Leave Widgets.

    (4)   Head on to Claim Widget, you can see the list of Employees who requested for Claim.

    (5)   Clicking on the Employee name, shows the Claim details with Approve and Reject button. You can Approve/Reject the claim by clicking on them.

    METHOD 2:

    (1)   Go to Dashboard Screen.

    (2)   You can see the widget “NEW CLAIM REQUEST”.

    (3)   Clicking on the “NEW CLAIM REQUEST” takes you to the Claim management screen.

    (4)   There you can see the list of employees who requested for claim.

    (5)   You can Approve/reject the claim by clicking on the employee.

  • How to view employee's list?

    (1)   Go to Dashboard Screen.

    (2)   You can see the Tribar button at the left corner of your screen.

    (3)   Clicking on the Tribar button shows you the Employee Widgets along with Leaves and Claim Widgets.

    (4)   Head on to Employees Widget, you can see the list of employees.

  • How to view employee's details?

    (1)   Go to Dashboard Screen.

    (2)   You can see the Tribar button at the left corner of your screen.

    (3)   Clicking on the Tribar button shows you the Employee Widgets along with Leaves and Claim Widgets.

    (4)   Head on to Employees Widget, you can see the list of employees.

    (5)   Clicking on the Employee Name shows the employee’s personal details.